hotforbabyleg wrote in goshdarnspam Feb 02, 2011 03:57
stranger danger!, mustaches!!, that guy who directed 300, we are all elle's cactus, santo rocks... getitgetitgetit?, birthday spam motherfuckahs, why in gods name did it snow so much, facetouching, just sayin, i just died in your arms tonight, ha ha ha ha ha it is a rock joke, the janitor saves the day, entertain me damn it, i am partial to team jacob, three foot fish stick, the worst superhero show ever, yo homes... to bel-air!, really stupid disguises, you were phone, no dad no, awesometastic, franky goes to hollywood, this is why we can't have nice things,, biebirthday, cock lobster, rikkujection, shut up and app condiment king already, i made your post better, that will not give you lesbians, do we dazzle you?, it's my buh-buh-biiiirthday, old spice is the best spice, buy slap chop or die, hats make everything better, go tell your alien brothers, suddenly new powers, millions of robot slaves, booty calls only, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, who wants to make out with me?, santo can has all the ladies, guess what? it's spam time!, weekend at franky's, cake is a lie, franky's life is a comedy of errors, bueno, my santo is dead, birthday sex, i am the king of atlantis, sexytime is one of the tags?, let me tell you about a real hero, delicious caek is yours
oncemercurial wrote in goshdarnspam Dec 27, 2010 18:50
ninja death cult, meme, why in gods name did it snow so much, yami will roll you up, i am the king of atlantis, meme?, yami is trendy